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Q.R.G's - Quick Reference Guides
Q.R.G's - Quick Reference Guides

Quick Reference Guides are "How to" guides that are concise and directional.

Q.R.G. - Settings - How to Add / Update User Sales / POS Permissions
Q.R.G. - Settings - How to Update Inventory Settings
Q.R.G. - Settings - How to Delete a Sales Plan
Q.R.G. - Settings - How to Add / Edit / Delete Credit Card Payment Credentials
Q.R.G. - Settings - How to Add a Payment Type
Q.R.G. - Settings - How to Disable a Payment Type
Q.R.G. - Settings - How to Add the QuickBooks Online integration
Q.R.G. - Settings - How to Add the Management One integration
Q.R.G. - Settings - How to Add / Edit a Shipping Carrier
Q.R.G. - Settings - How to Enable Shipping Email Notifications
Q.R.G. - Settings - How to Add / Edit a Tax Rule
Q.R.G. - Settings - How to Add / Edit a Tax Jurisdiction
Q.R.G. - Settings - How to View / Restore an Archived Tax Rule
Q.R.G. - Settings - How to Add / Edit Reason Codes
Q.R.G. - Settings - How to Add / Edit / Delete a Custom Field
Q.R.G. - Settings - How to Update the POS General settings
Q.R.G. - Settings - How to Edit Receipt Template information
Q.R.G. - Settings - How to Update Branding
Q.R.G. - Settings - How to Update the Customer Dashboard Configuration
Q.R.G. - Settings - How to Delete a Grid Template
Q.R.G. - Settings - How to Add / Update Role Permissions
Q.R.G - Settings - How to Add Role Users
Q.R.G. - Settings - How to Add / Update POS Permissions
Q.R.G. - Settings - How to set up the Cash Drawer Float
Q.R.G. - Settings - How to Add / Update a Cash Drawer in the Settings
Q.R.G. - Settings - How to Update Location Settings
Q.R.G. - Settings - How to Add / Remove a Location User
Q.R.G. - Settings - How to Add / Edit or Update the Company Logo / Receipt Logo
Q.R.G. - Settings - How to Add / Edit or Update the Company Information
Q.R.G. - Settings - How to Add a Price List
Q.R.G. - Settings - How to Require acknowledgment of unauthorized receipt quantities
Q.R.G - Settings - How to Add / Disable a Location Station
Q.R.G. - Settings - How to Edit Receipt Settings
Q.R.G. - Settings - How to Add / Update Location Store Hours in the Settings
Q.R.G.- Settings - How to Add / Update a Location
Q.R.G. - Settings - How to Add the Easypost integration
Q.R.G. - Settings - How to Add / Edit a Shipping Method
Q.R.G. - Settings - How to Add / Update a Role
Q.R.G. - Settings - How to Add / Update Role Alerts
Q.R.G. - Settings - How to Add / Update User Reporting Permissions
Q.R.G. - Settings - How to Add a Grid Template
Q.R.G. - Settings - How to Update POS Settings
Q.R.G. - Settings - How to Import a Sales Plan
Q.R.G. - Settings - How to Add / Update User Purchasing Permissions
Q.R.G. - Settings - How to Add / Update Admin / Settings Permissions
Q.R.G. - Settings - How to Update the Preferred order for populating the Purchase Order Unit Cost value
Q.R.G. - Settings - How to Add a new Sales Plan
Q.R.G. - Settings - How to Change a User Password on the POS
Q.R.G. - Settings - How to Add / Update Reporting Permissions
Q.R.G. - Settings - How to Add / Update User Admin / Settings Permissions
Q.R.G. - Settings - How to Edit / Update an existing User
Q.R.G. - Settings - How to Add / Update User Inventory Permissions
Q.R.G. - Settings - How to Create a New User
Q.R.G. - Settings - How to Add / Update Purchasing Permissions
Q.R.G. - Settings - How to Update Inventory Settings