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Creating Sales Orders

A sales order can be used for customer inter-store, vendor pre-, or ecommerce orders. A sales order is used in place of a POS ticket.

Derek Stotz avatar
Written by Derek Stotz
Updated over a week ago

A sales order can be created, as examples, in the following situations: (1) IN one location when another location has the inventory, (2) when a customer wants to pre-order product (before the item is on hand) or (3) via your ecommerce integration. A sales order is created, then that sales order is distributed (to where the item is or will be on hand), and then the sales order is invoiced (picked up by or mailed to the customer) when the item is actually available and on hand.

This article outlines how to create a new sales order in Heartland Retail.

Getting Started:

1. In the top navigation menu click on Sales, then orders.

2. Click "new"

3. Set the customer information. You are able to select from your existing customer list, or add a new customer.

4. Select shipping method, and enter shipping charge.

5. Click "Save"

Creating the order:

1. After saving the customer and the shipping charge, you will be brought to a new page where you can enter the items and payment information.

2. If necessary, this is where you will edit the billing and shipping addresses of the customer. Do this by clicking "change" above the address. First name, last name, address, city, state, and zip code are required fields.

3. Now you can now add the the items into the item lines. Do this by scanning them in or by clicking "Find" and selecting from your inventory.

4. Once an item is selected you can change the quantity and the unit price by typing into the text boxes of the item line

Once all the items are added, you will need to add the customer's payment information.

Adding payments:

1. In the right hand side of the Sales order page, click the "Add Payment" button.

2. To add a credit card payment, click the "Credit Card" button then the green "Add Payment" button and swipe the card or enter the credit card number, expiration date (format: mm/yy)

3. If the customer would like to use multiple payments, you have this ability here.

4. You can refund the payment directly in the sale order screen but only in the payment type that was originally tendered. For instance, if you add a payment using cash, your refund must also be in cash.

5. Once the order is complete, press "Save" then "Open" on the menu on the right side of the page.

Take a look at our articles on Distributing Sales Orders and Fulfilling Sales Orders to learn about the next steps!

Note: Payment is captured when the payment method is added to the order and the funds hit your books when the order is invoiced

Note: All items and payments that you add to an order are saved dynamically by the system as you proceed. At any time, you can leave the order in “Pending” status and return at a later time to open it. In order to open the order, the Balance field in the header of the page must be equal to “$0.00.” This means that the total amount of payments must match the amount due from the customer.

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