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Helpful Accounting and Bookkeeping Reports
Derek Stotz avatar
Written by Derek Stotz
Updated over a week ago

Below are examples of some basic reports you can create in Heartland Retail for your accountant or bookkeeper for booking journal entries, preparing reconciliations, etc. Remember that you can run and save these reports for any time period you'd like. You can also add custom fields and report on those custom fields, under groups, to enhance the reports with more information.

(1) Monthly Sales (Sales to Payment Reconciliation)


  • Filter the date to view the last month


  • Location >> Name


  • Source Sales >> Gross Sales

  • Source Sales >> Net Markdowns

  • Source Sales >> Gross Returns

  • Source Sales >> Net Sales

  • Sales Tax >> Net Amount Collected

  • Shipping >> Net Shipping Income

  • Location Sales >> Net Item Sold Cost

  • Payments >> Net Payments

(2) Payment Types by Date


  • Filter the date to view Month to Date


  • Date

  • Location >> Name

  • Payments >> Payment Type


  • Payments >> Net Payments

(4) Monthly Inventory Balance Rollforward


  • Filter the date to view Last Month


  • Location >> Name


  • Beginning Inventory >> Cost on Hand

  • Purchasing >> Gross Received Cost

  • Purchasing >> Gross Returned Cost

  • Source Sales >> Net Item Sold Cost

  • Inventory Adjustments >> Net Adjusted Cost

  • Ending Inventory >> Cost on Hand


Beginning Inventory Cost on Hand + Purchasing Gross Received Cost - Purchasing Gross Returned Cost - Source Sales Net Item Sold Cost + or - Inventory Adjustments Net Adjusted Cost = Ending Inventory Cost on Hand.

*Net adjusted cost should be added or subtracted depending on your adjustments for that month if it is in parentheses that means it is negative and should be subtracted. If it is not it is a positive number that should be added.

(5) Monthly Gift Card Liability


  • Filter the date to view Last Month


  • Gift Cards >> Gift Card #


  • Gift Cards >> Beginning Balance

  • Gift Cards >> Gift Cards Expired

  • Gift Cards >> Net Adjusted Amount

  • Gift Cards >> Issued

  • Gift Cards >> Ending Balance 


Giftcards Redeemed need to come from report #2 above, Payments by Payment Type.

(6) Monthly Purchases by Vendor


  • Filter the date to view Month to Date (or Last Month)


  • Date

  • Vendor >> Name

  • Purchasing >> Receipt #


  • Purchasing >> Gross Received Cost

  • Purchasing >> Gross Received QTY

  • Purchasing >> Gross Returned Cost

  • Purchasing >> Gross Returned QTY

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