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Reporting Webinar Homework

Webinar Checklist and Homework

Derek Stotz avatar
Written by Derek Stotz
Updated over a week ago

Now that you have completed the fourth and final installment of the webinar series, this article will help you review the content you have just learned.  The steps below will help you to take that content and apply it to getting your business up and running with Heartland Retail.

Review the Help Center! Find the Reporting section here.

Build a Basic Report using:

  • Filters

  • Groups

  • Metrics

  • Pivots

  • Sort

  • Compare

  • Options

Reporting Tips and Tricks Reminders:

  • Canned Reports

  • Use these as a starting point to build personalized reports

  • Save vs. Save As

  • Sharing Reports

  • Exports

  • Links

Suggested Reports to Create:

Review Reports Built Into Heartland Retail:

  • Play with Reports > Analysis and get comfortable building reports!

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