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Completing Inventory Adjustments
Completing Inventory Adjustments

The article outlines the procedures for creating an inventory adjustment for adjusting an items inventory quantity in Heartland Retail.

Derek Stotz avatar
Written by Derek Stotz
Updated over 5 years ago

This document outlines the procedure for creating an inventory adjustment for product using Heartland Retail.

To start, in the top navigation menu of Heartland Retail, hover over the “Inventory” link and choose "Adjustments."

This will bring you to the Adjustments page. Click the “New” button to start a new adjustment.

Selecting a Location

Click the "Set" link next to the word "Location."

This will take you to a “location search” pop-up window

In the search box, type in your location name or just select it using the link if it is already visible.

Selecting an Item

Click the "Set" link next to the word "Item."

This will take you to an item search pop-up window. You can use the search box to find your item. You can search product by the Item # or any of your item custom fields.

Click on the item that needs to be adjusted to select it.

Once the item is selected, you will automatically return to the previous screen.

Selecting an Adjustment Reason

Click the down arrow to the right of “Adjustment Reason”

A pre-determined list of adjustment reasons will appear. Click on the appropriate reason for why the adjustment is being made.

Unit Cost

The Unit Cost of the adjustment should update automatically and it will either be the item's average cost (depending on whether or not there is an inventory balance for this item) or it will be the item's default cost if there is 0 on hand of this item.

Quantity Adjustment

In the "Adjustment Qty" box, type in the amount you would like to adjust in or adjust out of the specific location.

For positive adjustments, you can just type in the qty being adjusted (e.g. "1").

For negative adjustments, you need to enter the negative sign (e.g. "-1").

You will notice after entering an adjustment quantity that a read-only field to the right of the box will tell you the quantity that will be on hand after you complete the adjustment.

Completing the Adjustment

Once all fields have been filled out, click the "Complete" button.

If you need to create Inventory Adjustment Reasons, take a look at this article: Adding, Editing and Deleting Inventory Adjustment Reasons

If you want to create multiple inventory quantity adjustments, for multiple items at one, take a look at this article: Creating Multiple Inventory Adjustments (beta)

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