This document outlines the procedure for fulfilling a sales order in the Heartland Retail applications.
Getting Started
To fulfill a new sales order, follow these steps:
In the top navigation menu, click the Sales then Orders. This will bring you to the Sales Order page
Click the “Fulfill” button on the Sales Orders page.
This will bring you to the “Sales Orders: Fulfillment” page, which displays all orders that have been distributed to your location for fulfillment. The order will only be displayed on this list by default if the item is in stock.
Generating Pick Lists
To generate a pick list for all order lines that have not yet been fulfilled by your location, click the "Pick List" button.
A printable pick list will generate in a new browser tab.
Invoicing an Order
*Note, when generating invoices, you must be signed into the location where the item lines are distributed to, otherwise you'll create an invoice under the wrong location*
Using the dropdown menu immediately above the table, you have the ability to filter all orders that have been distributed for fulfillment by the following three statuses: “Fillable,” “Partially Fillable” and “Unfillable.”Click the "Invoice" button next to the order you wish to invoice. This will bring you to a new invoice page.
Click the "Invoice" button next to the order you wish to invoice. This will bring you to a new invoice page.
All order lines that have been distributed to your location will appear in the Order Lines section of the page
Add the item(s) as invoice lines by scanning the item(s) into the item field or by using the "find" button
Shipping charges will automatically be applied as invoice lines when applicable, these charges will come from the original sales order and cannot be edited in the invoice
You will then be prompted to print the invoice
If you choose not to print the invoice now, you can return to it at a later time and print it then