Discounting all items on a Purchase Order
*Note: a discount can only be applied to an order in both “Pending” and "Open" status.
Getting Started
Create a PO (to learn more about creating a PO, view here).
Add items to your Purchase Order.
Highlight all Line Items on order by selecting the top check box on the left >> Apply Discount.
4. Apply Discount by adding a percentage or dollar amount to relieve.
5. UNIT COST will update.
6. Select SAVE and OPEN.
Congratulations! You've successfully applied a discount to a Purchase Order!
Discounting a Category of items on a Purchase Order
Create a PO
Add two different categories of items to your PO (Ex: Outerwear and Accessories)
Select Filter.
4. Under Conditions >> 'Category is one of Accessories.'
5. Category: Outerwear will disappear leaving only Category: Accessories.
6. Highlight Line Items by selecting the check box on left >> Apply Discount.
7. Add discount percentage or dollar relieved.
8. The discount will apply to the filtered category. Heartland Retail will then add the remaining non-discounted items back to the order.
9. Select SAVE in the upper right hand corner of the screen >> OPEN and you are all set!
If you should have any questions or want to provide feedback on this feature, please reach out to